Meta,X,TikTok,Snapchat CEOs Testify before Heated Senate on Children Exploitation

Social Media CEOs testify before heated senate on children exploitation
Meta,X,Tiktok, Snapchat testify before heated senate on children exploitation

During Testimony before Senate Meta,TikTok,Instagram and other Social Media CEOs highlighted Positive Aspects of their Platforms For Communities

On Wednesday, Social Media CEOs (TikTok, Instagram , X, Facebook,Snapchat)  testify before senate on child exploitation, on the issues facing by the young people on social media, which are as follows:

Suicidal Issues, Addictive Factors, unrealistic beauty standards, harassment, social exploitation etc.

Meta,X,tiktok Snapchat, testify before heated senate on children exploitation

In Response to the above factors Raised Up by the Children's Advocates, Social Media CEOs highlighted the Several Positive Effects for Betterment of Childrens And Society:

During the answer question session with Meta’s CEO, Mark Zuckerberg, Republican Missouri Sen. Josh Hawley asked the Facebook CEO, that if he has any indemnification for the victims and their families, whom experiences all the issues.

Zuckerberg Replies;” I don’t think so”. Republican Missouri Sen. Josh Hawley said;

“Do you wants to do an apology to the victim’s families?”

Meta CEO stood up from his place, turned away and directly addressed the families of victims;

“I am sorry for everything, from which your children had been gone through.No one should go through the conditions, from which your families ad gone through.Facebook is continuously working on the betterment of the platforms, and we are working on providing the good services which the community aspects from us.”

Likewise; TikTok, Snapchat, X,CEOs gave the justifications on the questionaries from the children’s lawyers, on their perspectives.

Besides all the above questionings and justifications, the CEOs highlighted the points on providing the betterment and positive aspects on their platforms.

1. Support And Connection

Social Media platforms enables more space for communities to connect regarding information sharing and providing support to one another.

2. Awareness And Education

CEOs  highlighted the roles of their platforms in spreading awareness regarding important issues,including child safety,improving educational resources by limits the online risk.

3. Safety Measurements

The safety on moderation of content, reporting tools, and verification of age will be implement properly in order to protect children from harmful content and interactions.

4. Accountability And Transparency

Every social media platform are committed to transparency and accountability on publishing the reports on the efforts and the betterments they made to strive against the children exploitation.In short, the testimony highlighted the importance of the alliance between social media platforms, civil society, policy makers in order to overcome the complex challenges faced by the children and their families and raised up the points for the betterment of digital environment for children, families and for all over the world.

Besides all the above questionings and justifications, the CEOs highlighted the points on providing the betterment and positive aspects on their platforms.Social Media platforms enables more space for communities to connect regarding information sharing and providing support to one another.CEOs  highlighted the roles of their platforms in spreading awareness regarding important issues,including child safety,improving educational resources by limits the online risk.The safety on moderation of content, reporting tools, and verification of age will be implement properly in order to protect children from harmful content and interactions.


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